Agile 2016 – Coaching Nightmares: Lessons We Can Learn From Gordon Ramsay

Agile2016-SPEAKER-300x250My presentation from Agile 2016 called “Coaching Nightmares: Lessons We Can Learn From Gordon Ramsay” is available on Slideshare.

When you look for inspiration in the Agile Coaching community, the name Gordon Ramsay is probably not the first name to come to mind. He has been known to be belligerent, condescending and downright rude, but underneath this brute facade is a treasure trove of skills and talents that influence change.

In this presentation we will draw insights from his ‘Kitchen Nightmare’ escapades and draw parallels with how much his work aligns with that of an Agile Coach and the goal to successfully drive change and introduce a number of models and techniques that are indispensable in the coaching toolkit.

Learning Outcomes:

Understand the difference between coaching, advising and mentoring

Approaches to having confronting coaching conversations

Dealing with denial and unengaged staff

The criticality of a burning platform to invoke change

Why it is important to have coaches as experts

Agile coaching is more than the GROW model (or other coaching models)

It was extremely disappointing that my partner in crime on this talk Renee Troughton could not make the trip to Atlanta to deliver this with me, I certainly hope I did her parts of the talk justice.

Here are a few of the tweets from the talk: