YOW! 2015 – 40 Agile Methods in 40 Minutes

YOW_2015_Conference_-stacked-PNGMy presentation from YOW! 2015 called “40 Agile Methods in 40 Minutes” is available on Slideshare. The video is also available on YouTube.

With 73% of the world using Scrum as their predominant Agile method, this session will open up your eyes to the many other Agile and edgy Agile methods and movements in the world today For many, Agile is a toolbox of potential methods, practices and techniques, and like any good toolbox it is often more about using the right tool for the problem that will result in meaningful results.Take a rapid journey into the world of methods like Mikado, Nonban, Vanguard and movements like Holocracy,Drive and Stoos where we will uncover 40 methods and movements in 40 minutes to help strengthen your toolbox.


Software developers, Agile coaches / Scrum Masters, technical leaders, business analysts, testers and anyone with an interest in the variety of approaches available to Agile teams and organisations.

It was a privilege to be invited to speak at YOW! 2015 which is considered to be the leading software development in Australasia. The talk was delivered in 3 cities: Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. It was also an honour to have some of the most influentional people in the Agile community attending including Dave Thomas, Dan North and Don Reinertsen.

Here are some of the live tweets from each of the 3 conference talks: