Agile Australia 2017 (AgileTODAY)

AgileTODAY is a publication associated with the Agile Australia conference. In the May 2017 edition I was mentioned in the thank-yous for helping Agile Australia behind the scenes as a reviewer and a shepherd (as well as in the picture for the Agile Australia dinner).

Towards The Agile Country (AgileTODAY)

AgileTODAY is a publication associated with the Agile Australia conference. In the March 2016 edition I was invited to share my vision for the conference theme as part of my role as a conference advisor.

“Towards an Agile Country means that the Agile community can truly lead the charge in transforming Australia into an innovation and technical leader. By living the Agile values and helping others to find better ways of working together, focussing on delivery, focussing on the customer and keeping up with change, our size and diversity means we have the potential to become a world leader in many innovative fields. Our challenge is to move beyond software development teams and start solving the big problems.”

Agile Australia 2015 to Focus on the Art of Simplicity

InfoQThe Agile Australia 2015 conference is running in Sydney on 17 – 18 June with its theme around the art of simplicty. The conference has been running since 2009 and is set to attract over 1,000 delgates representing over 250 of Australia’s leading organisations.

Agile-Australia-2015-Resources-Badge-Speaker-600x100pxSource: Agile Australia 2015 to Focus on the Art of Simplicity

Episode 79: Vomit Value with Jim Benson

The Agile Revolution Podcast

14491375311_22bf182a39_zAt Agile Australia 2014 in Melbourne, Jim Benson of Personal Kanban fame takes some time to talk with Craig, Renee, Tony and (a very silent) Kim Ballestrin and along the way they talk about:

  • early work implementing David J. Anderson’s Agile Management which resulted in Jim focussing on the person (Personal Kanban) and David focussing on the organisation (Kanban method) – two different viewpoints on the same solution set
  • XP, Scrum, Kanban method and Personal Kanban exemplify the people who created them
  • The Oath of Non Allegiance
  • Scrum vs Kanban
  • Why Limit WIP and Why Plans Fail books out now and working on an upcoming book about meetings
  • Individuals and interactions is redundant – relevant in 2001 to shake people out of complacency
  • Agile is anti-manager
  • Agile in knowledge work
  • WIP limits and avoiding “death flow”
  • Vomit Value – user stories with spurious and arbitrary value in a…

View original post 63 more words

Agile Australia 2012: Agile Coaching Workshop

My workshop from Agile Australia 2012 with Adrian Smith called “Agile Coaching Workshop” is available on SlideShare.

The Agile Coach is a critical role in helping leaders, teams or individuals understand, adopt and improve Agile methods and practice. Additionally, an Agile Coach helps people rethink and change the way they go about their work. For a individual to be effective in a coaching role, they must poses a wide range of skills and experience. In this workshop we will explore Agile coaching skills in the context of a competency framework and provide participants with lessons from real-world coaching experience. The workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to learn about coaching, identify areas of Agile development and to broaden skills through hands-on group and individual exercises and games.

You will:
» Understand role of an Agile coach and the typical development pathways
» Identify personal areas of strength/weakness in relation to a broad range of Agile and related skills
» Learn situational specific coaching techniques for common Agile dysfunctions
» Understand the use of maturity models in helping teams learn and adapt to Agile
» Understand organisational and role specific Agile challenges
» Learn how to adapt Agile practices to suit team specific challenges

UPDATE: Due to some requests for the competency matrix, a PDF version is available for download